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Official Site


Welcome to the reservation system of Pension Bílý Hořec in the Giant Mountains near Vrchlabí.

Choose from 2 - 6 bed rooms with different amenities.

When choosing, choose the date and type of room or their number, then please increase the number of adults and children under 13 years, you can also choose the number of meals, breakfast is already included. The final price is then calculated according to the specified criteria.


We provide a discount on children's stays, and we can also accommodate nice and well-behaved dogs with free movement, or other animals by agreement.
All rooms and accommodation are already counted with breakfast included in the price and with parking one car per room.

After confirming the reservation, you will be sent a reservation advance invoice for 30% of the total amount in CZK or EUR currency.
The scope and system of services is described on our site.

If you have any other question, do not hesitate to contact us.


Thank you and we look forward to seeing you :-)

Sincerely, R and K Vlachovi, Pension Bílý Hořec


Thank you and we look forward to seeing you :-)

Sincerely, R and K Vlachovi, Pension Bílý Hořec




Booking · Total guests

Promo code
Term of accomodation: 08.02.2025 - 09.02.2025 (nights: 1)
Accommodation: 1x Double room with extra bed including breakfast [3+0]
Child under 2 years free.
Please do not include children under 2 years as accommodated persons, provide this information in the booking note.
Double room with extra bed including breakfast [3+0]
30% deposit
Additional services
Local fee … 20 Kč /adult/night
Total 1260

Contact information

recommended check-in 17:00 · earliest 15:00

Accommodation Conditions


General accommodation conditions of pension Bílý Hořec

Unless specified otherwise, accommodation and services connected with it and ordered is provided by pension Bílý Hořec, at Horní Lánov E. V. No. 47, 54341 with billing information:
Radek and Kateřina Vlachovi IC: 69166951 VAT number: CZ7502223322


Ordering and payment terms
The client orders accommodation in pension bílý hořec electronically, by email, orally, by phone or by written order. The order is accepted after payment of a deposit of about 30% of the accommodation price on the basis of an advance invoice. The deposit must be paid according to maturity or according to individual agreement by bank transfer. The landlord will confirm the order to the customer within 5 days after receiving the deposit by e-mail, telephone or mail.

The customer shall pay the supplement of the accommodation price (70%) at the latest upon arrival in cash, by credit card or by other means agreed with the accommodation provider.


Cancellation policy
In case of withdrawal from the accommodation contract, the following cancellation conditions apply:
valid from 1.1.2021

a) Unless otherwise specified, 30 days or more before the start of the stay, the cancellation is free of charge and the full deposit is refunded.
(B) unless otherwise specified, from 29.10.2015. date until 15. the day before the start of the stay we will refund: 50% of the total deposit paid for the stay.

(C) unless otherwise specified, from 14.12.2014. it is no longer possible to accept any cancellation on or after the date of cancellation of the stay.

d) in case of closure of the facility according to the regulations in exceptional cases such as: government regulation, covid-19, etc., we deal with the situation individually according to the agreement and possibilities with the customer.
e) cancellation fee will not be charged if the stay is cancelled by the host.
If the conditions for the return of the provably paid advance payment (or its proportional part) are met, the accommodation provider shall return it by transfer to the account designated by the customer within 30 days from the date when the deadline for its return began (i.e. the delivery of the written cancellation of the order to the accommodation provider).


Order cancellation

Cancellation of the accommodation order can be made by the customer and the accommodation provider only in writing, by e-mail. The date of cancellation of the stay order shall be deemed to be the date on which the notice of cancellation will be delivered to the accommodation provider or service provider.

In case of early termination or interruption of accommodation without fault on the part of the accommodation provider there is no obligation to return the paid price of the stay or its proportional part. However, the accommodation provider may, for particularly serious reasons, derogate from this provision.


Start and end of accommodation
The customer is obliged to observe the arrival date and time from 15: 00-20: 00 hours (unless otherwise agreed) and to end the stay on the date indicated on the order confirmation no later than 10: 00 hours (unless otherwise agreed).


Number of persons accommodated
The landlord has the right to refuse accommodation and services of another or more persons than is booked in the order.

In the event of defects, it is necessary to immediately inform the landlord, whose duty is to take these defects into account and, according to their nature and character, to try to eliminate them.


Damage caused

When starting accommodation and services associated with it, the host may demand any deposit for the possibility of damage caused.

The customer is obliged, in case of causing damage to the accommodation provider, to pay it on the spot in cash and in addition, if the damage exceeds the amount of the deposit.

The operator is not liable for the things brought by the guest to the object and for damage to the Deferred things (jewelry, money and other valuables).


Obligations of the customer

The customer and all guests are obliged during the accommodation: 1, to maintain order and cleanliness in the pension Bílý Hořec and its surroundings

2, keep the night calm (from 22:00 to 08:00)

3, the restaurant and common rooms are available to guests in the opening hours or by appointment, the consumption of food and drinks in these areas is possible only from our offer, the same applies to the outdoor garden and terrace.

4, bringing food from breakfast, lunch or dinner to the rooms is not possible.

5, in the room and in the premises of the pension, the guest must not move equipment or perform any interference with the electrical network or other installations without the consent of the resort management.

6, guests are not allowed to use their own electrical appliances in the pension and especially in the room, this does not apply to electrical appliances used for personal hygiene of the guest (shavers, possibly massage machines, hair dryers, etc.).), as well as personal computers and chargers for cameras and mobile phones. Stoves, electric kettles, heaters are not allowed.

7, smoking and fire-making are prohibited in the rooms and in all interior spaces. In case of violation of these obligations, this fact is fined 1000, - CZK and the reason for the immediate termination of the lease without the right to a refund of any amount, on the contrary, in case of damage incurred, the guests are obliged to pay the resulting damage and fine before departure !!
The smoking area is outside the guest house.

8, the guest is obliged to close the water taps in the room when leaving, turn off the lights and other appliances in the room and its accessories, close the windows and doors.

9, dogs and other animals can be accommodated in the pension provided that the owner proves their safe state of health. The price for placing animals is charged according to the agreement.

10, the guest is obliged to comply with the provisions of these accommodation conditions. In case of violation, the service provider has the right to withdraw from the contract for the provision of accommodation and catering services before the expiration of the agreed period without the right to a refund of any amount.

11, for guests of the pension there is an outdoor pool and a children's playground. All attractions such as the swimming pool are unattended and their use is only "at your own risk".


By ordering or paying a deposit or the entire price of accommodation, the customer and the participating guests acknowledge and agree to these terms.
The customer agrees with the provision and processing of personal data accommodated, according to act No. 110/2000 Coll.


The accommodation conditions are valid as of 1.5. 2022




Consent to the processing of personal data

Dear guests,

pursuant to regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the council (the "GDPR"), we have a number of obligations regarding the protection of your personal data.

The controller of personal data is:

Pension Bílý Hořec, Radek Vlach, Horní Lánov EV. č. 47, 543 41 Lánov
IC 69166951

For your reservations, stays, payments and communication with you (hereinafter referred to as the "entity") in our accommodation/catering facility we process your personal data:

name and surname, if applicable. title,
date of birth,
address of permanent residence, delivery address
e-mail and phone number
OP number
in the case of foreigners, in addition, the data required by law for reporting the residence of foreigners (state
citizenship, travel document number, visa number)

in the case of non-cash payment (account number or credit card number).
The legal reason for this processing is the performance of the contract. Said personal information behind this

for this purpose, we process at least for the duration of the booking period, or accommodation, or for a period specified by law.

The data entered in the guest book / contract, together with the data on the payment of the stay, are processed on the basis of the legal relationship between you and our facility, the object of which is the provision of accommodation and related services (catering, etc.). The purpose of such processing is to provide those services.

In the case of foreigners, we process the data necessary for reporting the residence of foreigners, on the basis of the obligation imposed on us by Act No. 326/1999 Coll. on the residence of foreigners in the Czech Republic and on amendments to certain laws, as amended. This processing is carried out solely for the purpose of fulfilling the stated obligation, it involves the transfer of the data contained in the application form to the foreign police.

The accounting and tax documents used to account for the services provided also contain some personal data (name and surname of the client, type of service provided, date of issue of the document). We keep these documents only for the purpose of fulfilling the obligations established by the relevant accounting and tax legislation, for the period imposed by these regulations.

We may transfer your personal data to third parties that provide support activities for us-mailing, debt collection, or legal services. These third parties are in the position of processors of personal data, we transmit to them only the personal data necessary for the given purpose (sending of parcels, debt collection, or legal services), and only the data of those clients to whom the specific support activity relates. We carefully select the processors of personal data providing the above activities, we also change and supplement them from time to view of these updates and changes, we are ready to provide you with an up-to-date list of such entities for which the transfer of your aforementioned data is possible upon your written or e-mail request.

We do not transfer your personal data to other countries.

We provide your personal data only to institutions authorized by law, to no one else

We do not provide your personal information.

We did not appoint a data protection officer, we did not entrust the processing

No processor of your personal data has appointed a representative for the performance within the meaning of the GDPR.

At any time you have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data, the right to request

from us as administrator access to your personal data, their correction or deletion,

where applicable, restrict the processing, and object to the processing, you have the right to:

the portability of such data to another controller, as well as the right to file a complaint with the Office for

protection of personal data, if you believe that we proceed with the processing of your personal data

contrary to the GDPR.

The controller is entitled to process the above personal data in accordance with the GDPR and the GDPR without the consent of the data subject only in cases where the processing is necessary for the fulfilment of a legal obligation or for the performance of a contract, as well as in cases of the controller's legitimate interests.

Cancellation policy

In case of withdrawal from the accommodation contract, the following cancellation conditions apply:
valid from 1.1.2021

a) Unless otherwise specified, 30 days or more before the start of the stay, the cancellation is free of charge and the full deposit is refunded.
(B) unless otherwise specified, from 29.10.2015. date until 15. the day before the start of the stay we will refund: 50% of the total deposit paid for the stay.

(C) unless otherwise specified, from 14.12.2014. it is no longer possible to accept any cancellation on or after the date of cancellation of the stay.

d) in case of closure of the facility according to the regulations in exceptional cases such as: government regulation, covid-19, etc., we deal with the situation individually according to the agreement and possibilities with the customer.
e) cancellation fee will not be charged if the stay is cancelled by the host.
If the conditions for the return of the provably paid advance payment (or its proportional part) are met, the accommodation provider shall return it by transfer to the account designated by the customer within 30 days from the date when the deadline for its return began (i.e. the delivery of the written cancellation of the order to the accommodation provider).

Souhlas se zpracováním osobních údajů




Vážení hosté,

dle Nařízení Evropského parlamentu a Rady (EU) 2016/679  (dále jen „GDPR“) pro nás vyplývá řada povinností týkajících se ochrany Vašich osobních údajů.

Správcem osobních údajů je:

Pension Bílý Hořec, Radek Vlach, Horní Lánov ev.č.47, 543 41 Lánov
IC 69166951

Pro Vaše rezervace, pobyty, platby a komunikaci s Vámi (dále jen „Subjekt“)  v našem ubytovacím/stravovacím zařízení zpracováváme Vaše osobní údaje:

  • jméno a příjmení, příp. titul,
  • datum narození,
  • adresa trvalého pobytu, doručovací adresu
  • e-mail a telefonní číslo
  • číslo OP
  • v případě cizinců navíc ještě údaje vyžadované ze zákona pro hlášení pobytu cizinců (státní

  občanství, číslo cestovního dokladu, číslo víza)

  • v případě bezhotovostní platby (čísla účtu, či čísla platební karty).

Právním důvodem tohoto zpracování je plnění smlouvy. Uvedené osobní údaje za tímto

účelem zpracováváme minimálně po dobu trvání doby rezervace, popř. ubytování nebo zákonem stanovenou dobu.

Údaje vyplněné v  knize hostů/smlouvě, společně s údaji na dokladech o úhradě pobytu zpracováváme na základě právního vztahu mezi Vámi a našim zařízením, jehož předmětem je poskytování ubytovacích a souvisejících služeb (stravovacích apod.). Účelem takového zpracování je poskytování uvedených služeb.

V případě cizinců zpracováváme údaje nutné pro hlášení pobytu cizinců, a to na základě povinnosti uložené nám zákonem č. 326/1999 Sb. o pobytu cizinců na území České republiky a o změně některých zákonů, ve znění pozdějších předpisů. Toto zpracování provádíme výhradně za účelem splnění uvedené povinnosti, zahrnuje předání údajů obsažených v přihlašovacím tiskopise cizinecké policii.

Účetní a daňové doklady, kterými poskytnuté služby vyúčtováváme, obsahují též některé osobní údaje (jméno a příjmení klienta, typ poskytnuté služby, datum vystavení dokladu). Tyto doklady uchováváme pouze pro účely splnění povinností stanovených relevantními účetními a daňovými právními předpisy, po dobu uloženou těmito předpisy. 

Vaše osobní údaje můžeme předávat třetím stranám zajišťujícím pro nás podpůrné činnosti – rozesílání zásilek, vymáhání pohledávek, či právní služby. Tyto třetí strany jsou v postavení zpracovatele osobních údajů, předáváme jim pouze osobní údaje nezbytné pro daný účel (rozesílání zásilek, vymáhání pohledávek, či právní služby), a to pouze údaje těch klientů, kterých se konkrétní podpůrná činnost týká. Zpracovatele osobních údajů zajišťující výše uvedené činnosti pečlivě vybíráme, také je průběžně měníme a doplňujeme, vzhledem k těmto aktualizacím a změnám jsme připraveni Vám k Vašemu písemnému, či e-mailovému dotazu sdělit aktuální seznam takovýchto subjektů, u nichž připadá v úvahu předání Vašich výše uvedených údajů.

Vaše osobní údaje nepředáváme do jiných zemí.

Vaše osobní údaje poskytujeme jen institucím k tomu zmocněným zákonem, nikomu jinému

Vaše osobní údaje neposkytujeme.

Nejmenovali jsme pověřence pro ochranu osobních údajů, nepověřili jsme zpracováním

Vašich osobních údajů žádného zpracovatele ani neurčili zástupce pro plnění ve smyslu GDPR.

Kdykoliv máte právo odvolat svůj souhlas se zpracováním osobních údajů, právo požadovat

od nás jako Správce přístup ke svým osobním údajům, jejich opravu nebo výmaz,

popřípadě omezení zpracování, a vznést námitku proti zpracování, máte právo na

přenositelnost těchto údajů k jinému správci, jakož i právo podat stížnost u Úřadu pro

ochranu osobních údajů, máte-li za to, že při zpracování vašich osobních údajů postupujeme

v rozporu s GDPR.

Správce je oprávněn zpracovávat výše uvedené osobní údaje v souladu s GDPR a ZOOÚ i bez souhlasu Subjektu údaje jen v případech, pokud je zpracování nezbytné pro splnění právní povinnosti nebo pro plnění smlouvy, jakož i v případech oprávněných zájmů Správce.


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