You can also book your accommodation by email at or by phone at +421 947 911 964.
It is necessary to mention exact date of your stay, number of persons/guests and any other specific requirements in your order. We will confirm/reject your order depending on our capacity.
The reservation is only valid after receiving an email confirmation or your reservation will be confirmed by phone.
A payment for accommodation takes place on the spot, on the day of your arrival. If you make reservation more than 10 days in advance, we will require advance payment.
You can find terms & conditions and cancellation policy below, in the lower part of booking window.
An extra bed is available for a fee of 10€ per person/night.
You can get a discount (20% - 44 %) for your accommodation if you stay more than 10 days.
Všeobecne záväzné podmienky a pravidlá pre ubytovaných hostí pre pobyt v ubytovacích zariadeniach DIMAEL Hostel & Apartments, Bratislava – Rača.
Platba za ubytovanie a prípadné iné služby sa vykonáva najneskôr v deň ubytovania dohodnutým spôsobom platby, ak nebolo ubytovanie zaplatené vopred. V prípade rezervácie vykonanej minimálne 10 dní pred nástupom na pobyt prevádzkovateľ požaduje úhradu zálohovej platby vo výške najmenej 30% z celkovej sumy.